Points of Interest, GPS Coordinates & Waypoints

You can use this page to locate Businesses, Activities, and other "Places" (and their corresponding GPS Coordinates) in Puerto Rico.

  1. Choose the part of the island you want us to search in
  2. Choose the type of Place you're looking for
  3. If you know the name of the Place you're looking for, you can (optionally) specify that, too, in order to narrow down the search results.
  4. Specify if you want the Places displayed on a map (the default) or in a list
  5. Specify if you want GPS coordinates displayed in decimal (the default) or degrees format

Once we find some Places that match your search criteria, you'll have the opportunity to get more info about each Place, search for other things in the vicinity of that Place, or bring up that Place in Google Maps so you can get driving directions.

When you tell us what you want us to find, don't be too specific with the name you type in. If you're too specific we may not be able to find a match in our database. Sometimes a partial name will give better results than a full name.

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